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The ArtLab program emerged from a desire to better understand the intersection between art, science, and communication. We combine design, visual science communication, and informal science education through innovative and engaging exhibits that showcase top biomedical researchers’ latest findings through art. 


Our mission: 

  • Support and promote STEM students and scientists who are interested in pursuing creative outlets

  • Generate resources that support art and science intersection  

  • Engage in informal education focused on building interactions with the research communities

  • Humanize the sciences and scientists through art programming 

Artist-in-Residence, Summer 2019

I did challenge myself [to] think from the perspectives of different viewers. I learned science and started thinking more like an illustrator… I also used a new art form that I have never used before.

Researcher, Summer 2019

I am fascinated by artists and the creative process since science has its own creative process but such a different method! I enjoyed remembering how to work with people who are outside of the field.

Artist-in-Residence, Summer 2019

This program has helped me to increase my artistic confidence as I plan to continue to create artworks inspired by my medical training and research in the future.

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